Singtel Casting Call 2011
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Singtel Casting Call 2011

A new competition-based initiative by Singtel to look for a presenter for their new Youtube Channel, Singtel Casting Call was to help look for their next social media star. I was amongst 84 hopefuls who submitted their entries! Here’s my last minute take…


I then made it to the TOP 14! :)

Everything happened really quickly and we were scheduled a shoot for the following day. There, we were told to present a talent of ours. I picked sketching.

Finally, on the 22 of November, the 14 of us gathered at Sinema @ Old School for the finals. We were told to present a script, a funny story and go through a Q&A session each. Here’s a snippet.

And…. so, now that the official winner has been announced, I can also finally put this blog entry up! I’m a little bummed that I didn’t manage to win the competition, was really looking forward to a fruitful holiday getting busy with events, meeting new people and such, but I believe that there’re bigger and better things for me out there!

Once again, thank you for all the support I’ve received through this short competition, to all the people who shared my post and voted for me on the Singtel Facebook App, to those who kept texting and tweeting me to get updates. Thank you! To everyone else reading this, I’m still going at it and if you need an emcee I’m available at HEHEHEHHE

Here are a couple of official photos I got off the official Singtel Casting Call app that I think paints a pretty good picture of what happened at the finals :)

The panel of judges for the final include Tracy Phillips, Nadya Hutagalung, Hossan Leong, Derrick Heng (Singtel) and Miguel Bernas (Singtel)

The winner, 27 year old Joanne Marie Sim. Congrats babe!


I think most importantly I’m glad I got to know some of the girls from the competition better. It’s amazing how I never knew there were that many people with a passion for hosting and presenting before this. I love how we click so well and can share experiences. I certainly have alot more to learn form the girls — who can be considered veterans in the industry! :)

(Left) The super bubbly and real bikerchic, Vivienne! (Right) The lovely and super sweet Syaza!

(From left) Constance, Jamie, Juu & Evelyn


& my fave picture of the entire series…


because it reminds me that sometimes the greatest takeaway from a competition like that isnt the grand prize (although it is $10,000 CASH). Moving on to greater things!



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