vivienne tseng
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Asiarooms Social Travel Star Finalists!

Last year was filled with competitions… There was the Panasonic Channel-e EJ competition, 987fm So You Wanna Be a DJ, Singtel Casting Call. My first for this year would be one for! Paired with Vivienne Tseng (the sassy chic whom I met from Singtel Casting Call last year!), we’re ready to take on the world! (hahah pun intended)

Here’s our entry that got us to the Top 10!

Basically, the winner of this competition gets to travel to 4 different countries and review 12 different hotels just so you know which to go to, and which to shun! The finals are happening tomorrow (26th April) and I’m currently writing this while dyeding my hair a new colour. If you’re reading this before 2359 on the 25th, do remember to head on over to the Facebook page to vote for Vivienne and myself!

Also, check out the finalists vid here!

Yeap! We promise to buy back souvenirs and give them to lucky winners so hopefully thats an added incentive!

So please vote for us by heading over to now! :)