So You Wanna Be A DJ!
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So You Wanna Be A DJ!

Those following me on twitter would have known that I haven’t been well for the past week or so. I was running a fever in the weekend and had the worst sore throat… ever.

There was a lot of hesitation to whether I wanted to even participate in the open auditions to be a DJ, but eventually I convinced myself that I’ll work my voice out somehow. My body was in a really bad shape, and queueing for over 6 hours in heels really took a toll. (So much, I didn’t even bother taking any photos.)

Auditions went really slowly at first, and by the time it was my turn, each “audition” took only about 2 minutes. There were over 300 hopefuls trying out for 987fm itself, and shortlisting 8 meant that I only had about a 4% chance of being chosen.

But boy am I glad I didn’t give up during the queueing process.

I’ve got through! I’ve been shortlisted in the Top 20 & will be going for the second round of auditions for So You Wanna Be A DJ! Can’t wait, it’s really a huge huge step towards fulfilling my dream of being a radio deejay and frankly, I’m still quite in shock. I can’t deny I’m afraid but excited to see whats ahead, and kinda afraid I get booted out in the first round, but I really should be thankful and happy enough that I got shortlisted in the first place. Motivation boost +100!

Here’s a shoutout to all those who have supported me in my emcee-ing/hosting journey the whole time. To my friends who have shown me concern when I was unwell, to those who encouraged me to go for this audition.



Also, huge thanks to Wern who came down midway while queueing. Thank you for standing in queue for me so I could take breaks in between, and for holding on when I was pukey and such :)

1 Comment

    May 31, 2011at12:37 am Reply

    CONGRATULATIONS JUUJUU! I was gonna ask you if you were going to join but I forgot HAHAHAS.

    Please text me when you’re going on I will find a way to listen to the radiooooooooo~

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