Scape Without Borders Pilot Episode
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Scape Without Borders Pilot Episode

An initiative of *Scape and GRIDMMS, Stage Without Borders is an all-talent competition open to youths under the age of 35 years old. I had the opportunity to host the Pilot Episode on 2nd October at *Scape’s Level 2 Warehouse. I’ve mentioned countless times that hosting and emcee-ing is really something I enjoy doing, but one huge reason why I really enjoy events like these is because of the wonderful people I get to meet along the way. The organisers, the stage crew, the judges and the contestants.

Here are a couple of photos I managed to grab off the Stage Without Borders Facebook page.

Info Vybez

Maressa Zahidah, youtube singing sensation and one of the sweetest girl I met that night.

Jack Froze, magician and cook

Guest performer for the night, Siti Zahidah

Judge’s Choice Winner for SWB Pilot Episode, Kamsani

Winner for SWB Pilot Episode, Fresh Elements!

I’ll also be hosting Stage Without Borders Episode 1, which will be held on 11 December so watch out for it! Do leave a comment!

  • Serene Y.

    December 14, 2010at11:42 pm Reply

    Hello dear! I’m sure you’ll get to own your own wikipedia page in future. <3 See, I'm still stalking you secretly. Luv you!

    • juu yeow

      December 24, 2010at4:51 pm Reply

      hehehe love you rene!!! <3 thanks for leaving a comment!

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